LANAP Laser Gum Therapy During Pregnancy

LANAP laser gum therapy pregnancy

LANAP Testimonial

Protect Your Smile and Your Baby with LANAP Laser Gum Therapy During Pregnancy

Congratulations on your pregnancy! This exciting time brings joy, anticipation, and also a responsibility to prioritize your health and well-being, which includes your oral health. While pregnancy is a beautiful experience, it can also present unique challenges for your gums.

The Pregnancy-Gum Disease Connection:

Pregnancy hormones can significantly impact your oral health, increasing your risk for:

  • Gingivitis: This common condition causes swollen, red, and bleeding gums due to hormonal changes and increased blood flow.
  • Periodontitis: Untreated gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, leading to gum pockets, bone loss, and even tooth loss.
  • Pregnancy granulomas: These harmless, dark red bumps are triggered by hormonal changes and plaque.

LANAP: A Safe and Effective Solution for Pregnant Women:

LANAP Laser Gum Therapy is a minimally invasive, FDA-approved treatment for gum disease that offers several advantages for pregnant women:

  • Fast and effective: Removes bacteria and promotes healthy tissue regeneration, improving gum health quickly.
  • Minimal discomfort: Unlike traditional surgery, LANAP causes minimal pain, bleeding, and swelling, ensuring a comfortable experience.
  • Faster recovery: Get back to enjoying your pregnancy with minimal downtime.
  • Gentle and safe: No scalpels, sutures, or general anesthesia are needed, making it a safe option for pregnant women.
  • Protects your baby: Studies suggest that treating gum disease during pregnancy may reduce the risk of pre-term birth and low birth weight babies.

How does LANAP Laser Gum therapy works during pregnancy

Maintaining Oral Health During Pregnancy:

In addition to LANAP, here are some tips for maintaining healthy gums during pregnancy:

  • Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings: Early detection and treatment are crucial.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene: Brush twice daily and floss once daily, focusing on the gum line.
  • Eat a healthy diet: Choose nutritious foods to support your overall health and oral health.
  • Drink plenty of water: Water helps keep your mouth hydrated and discourages plaque buildup.


Beginning in the second or third month of pregnancy, your gum tissue may show signs of gingivitis. Pregnancy hormones can cause an increase in the blood supply to your gums and affect the way your gums respond to plaque. These changes may lead to gums that are swollen, red and more likely to bleed upon brushing. This early form of gum disease should be treated as quickly as possible to avoid a more serious condition called periodontitis.


Without treatment, the inflammation caused by gingivitis can increase. Periodontitis can lead to gums pulling away from the teeth, creating “pockets” that can be home to infection. These infections can lead to bone and tooth loss, so professional treatment is a must.

Pregnancy Granulomas

If you find a dark red swelling along the gumline or between two teeth, it might be a pregnancy granuloma. These granulomas are thought to be triggered by pregnancy hormones and may be a reaction to plaque or some other irritant. They often disappear once your baby is born and usually don’t cause any bother, but if you develop discomfort eating or speaking, your dentist might suggest removal.

You are looking for every way possible to provide your baby with the best start in life, so it is important to know that some studies have suggested a link between periodontal disease in pregnancy and complications such as pre-term delivery and low birth weight. Here are some important ways to maintain your oral health during pregnancy:

  • Call the doctor when you find out you are pregnant. We have suggestions for your dental care that you can use immediately.
  • Keep to your regular schedule of dental examinations and cleanings at our Fort Lauderdale, Florida office. If you find your gums beginning to show signs of gingivitis, call our office for an appointment. You might need to have your teeth cleaned more often during your pregnancy to avoid plaque buildup.
  • Maintain your daily dental hygiene. Be sure to carefully brush along the gumline to discourage plaque formation. If you have not switched to a soft bristle toothbrush, now is the time! Talk to us about possible rinses or other at-home treatments.
  • See a periodontist if needed for more serious gum problems.

Your pregnancy is a time to treat yourself and your baby with care. Talk to our office as soon as you find out you are pregnant. Making your dental health a priority can bring rewards both now and in the future, and we welcome the opportunity to suggest the best possible ways to care for yourself and your baby!

LANAP pregnancy

Invest in your smile and your baby's health with LANAP Laser Gum Therapy. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out how we can help you enjoy a healthy and happy pregnancy.

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